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A former Member of Parliament (MP) in Malawi, Clement Chiwaya shot himself dead on Thursday in the office of Clerk of Parliament Fiona Kalemba, raising questions on how he was allowed to take a gun into the supposed highly-guarded premises.⁣

Chiwaya, who once served as MP for Mongochi Central for 15 years left a suicide note which partly reads;⁣

“While it would have been easier to hurt others with the means I have, I don’t want that to be my legacy. My heart and spirit has been brought down not because of the possession such as a vehicle but the persistent begging that I am doing to get what belongs to me.”⁣

“Is this life worth living. Probably yes to others. For me the fact that I have taken the issue to various people and I am forced to be begging them to do something is really depressing,” the late wrote.⁣

The deceased continue detailing the dispute he had with parliamentary officials over the ownership of a specially adapted vehicle.⁣

The former MP, while serving as the deputy speaker in 2019, began a process to allow him to buy the car provided by parliament that enabled him to drive despite his disability.⁣

He paid for the vehicle but he accused parliament of failing to transfer ownership. In a statement released after the ex-MP’s death, parliament said that the matter was still in court.⁣

Chiwaya noted; “I don’t have any more energy to carry on. Many of you will not forgive me but I am down. I have reached the end of my tether.⁣



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