Over 900 traders from Gikomba market have sued the Nairobi county government demanding ksh20 billion in compensation over frequent fires at the market
In a case before the High Court, the traders want the county government to pay them for direct financial loss and compensation for loss of business opportunity and re-establishment costs.

“Every attempt the traders have made to rebuild their business has always been dealt further devastation by recurrent infernos” says their lawyer Adrian Kamotho.
The Gikomba traders are accusing the county government of breach of duty and negation of the obligation by failing to put in place a suitable business continuity plan to sustain the business environment at Gikomba Market.
Mr Kamotho says that the the plaintiffs are at loss as to why the Defendant would act so negligently, in breach of contractual and legal duty.
The traders also wants the court to compel the county government to establish a fire station and requisite fire containment apparatus within a period of 60 days.
There have been allegations that land ownership tussles between tenants in county houses, suspected land grabbers and traders have fueled the perennial fires.